advance your career


Applicant training.

A successful job interview is no coincidence.

We support you effectively in the development of your own personal application strategy and show you how to present yourself the best.

With our job application training you get the necessary know-how to be one step ahead of your competition.

Become a professional on topics like:

  • Application documents
  • Online application
  • job interview
  • Dress code
  • Selection procedure or
  • Salary issues.

Career Coaching.

We advance careers. Make the most out of your potential and gain clarity through up-to-date and effective advice from our experts.

While your  individual career coaching we work together to find the direct path to your professional development or reorientation.

No matter what professional questions you are facing, we will help you to find the answers!

Openness, trust and acceptance. With these ingredients we can promote and accompany you the best way possible

  • in the processing of your professional role
  • in the reorientation in relation to your professional tasks
  • in finding and implementing objectives
  • in recognizing and avoiding future problems or patterns of behavior
  • in the expansion of your own perception and implementation of new ways
  • in the transfer of skills, knowledge and behaviors
  • in the fundamental promotion of awareness and personal responsibility